Sunday, November 22, 2009

Top tips on how to survive divorce or separation difficult

People in different ways going through divorce and separation. The easiest way to those who immediately begins a new life and new relationships - when a person instead of what he was becoming something new. If you are not one of them, then the following tips will help you to overcome the doldrums after the rupture of relations.

Board number 1
You need a splash of emotion and physical energy
To fill the void, which is formed in your mind after a relationship breaks down, you need to fill it with new energy. But that it appeared to throw out the end of the last remnants. To enhance this process can not admit that all your body and soul ached. You need to give some small part of a right to "cheer" and calmly through all the stress. And the rest of your creatures to give freedom to live on. Our body has its own needs and their need to perform, there are also social life, which requires our active presence. You are well aware. Dully force yourself to move. The more vivid you, the faster will be able to come to himself, and again begin to enjoy life. Start to do the morning exercise, socialize more with friends and friends, go to the cinema, theater, go to the disco to dance, play bowling. Do things that require your physical and emotional activity. You need a splash of emotion and energy. Shake yourself, and do it more often.

Board number 2
Do whatever you want.
The severance of relations - this is like a disease, but only spiritual. When we are sick, we drink pills and vitamins, to support our body. And now you need to nurture and strengthen their psychological immune system, heal your soul. Think for yourself that will suit you for the best. Very good read motivational books. Beautiful version - the book by Louise Hay. Read affirmations. Listen to beautiful music, draw, sing. In general, do that which your soul is happy.
Council № 3
In your former life together was, I think a lot of pleasant moments, thanks to which you were together. Think of all. This is something for which you now can thank your former partner. It is better to let him go with good thoughts. We can not keep in his resentment and anger, they may settle in any organ of your body, and you become ill. So get rid of the negative. Forgive former partner for all the bad things that happened. Drop in memory and in my heart only good. Find a way to "cleanse" themselves.

Council № 4
With someone you love us always united by our shared plans for the future, and losing it, as if we are "deprived" of the future. Such a feeling is felt by many: the feeling when you do not know how to live, and do not know where to go, and the sense of moving forward as it disappears. This so-called emotional bind. We associate a loved one with our future, and it is from this to us after the break in relations hardest. Very often when there is no longer any love, there is now this binding. I need to get rid of it. Even the conscious perception of this idea can have a good help to release the former partner. You need to understand that your future does not depend on anyone, but only up to you. You - the main character in your movie. So now orient their future independently. It is possible that under such circumstances, waiting for you more happy and interesting life than expected. <
Council № 5
Direct the flow of thoughts in your bright future.
Imagine yourself in five years - seven. See the happy, successful, loved, happy person - the way you like to be. Our constant thoughts and emotions shape our future. If you're thinking all day about the poor, provoking angry and depressed state, it will lead to the fact that you will be more negative developments that will lead you back here in a depressed state. We must break this vicious circle. Control yourself: as soon as you notice in their own bad thoughts, immediately begin to dream of a happy future. The more often you will represent him, the more likely that it will be so.

If you already have the desire to leave the past behind and start all over again, I advise you to read the e-mini-book "How to become happy again?". This allowance for single people who lived through divorce or separation heavy, tired of living past memories and wish to start a new life. Here you can find a brief description of the book and order it for free on your email.
Do not miss the chance to change their lives for the better! Find out as once again become happy, and start to act!

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