Sunday, November 22, 2009

"And suddenly fail?"-Having sex fears

How would they like to seem bold and courageous, in fact, the average man - being quite fearful. As shown by the researches of German scholars, men are afraid of everything: to be loved not their fathers (for some reason that fear they have is in the first place), rejection by a woman, accidents, loss of control over subordinates and so on.

However, let them they somehow cope with such fears, we and their own enough. But there is one aspect of life, where the timid and vulnerable man's soul can give a woman a lot of trouble. Agree, if your favorite in the most crucial moment begins to get nervous, you can forget about pleasure. So, what are they afraid of the bed and what are the causes of fear of sex?

"And suddenly fail?

Somewhere in the subconscious of every man is sitting this fear. Especially rapidly it occurs, if such a situation with your hero has already happened. However, in men there is a myth that each of them meted out a certain number of sperm, and hence sexual acts for life. Therefore, even those who had never happened misfires, are afraid that one day is not far from their limit will be exhausted.

Well, the view, of course, extremely silly from a scientific point of view ... Therefore, if your potential lover, under any pretext postpones the moment of intimacy, most likely, he feels fear of sex. And then you must be very careful. Do not press him, but always let him know that he is very interested in you. If you still managed to drag a coward to bed, take the initiative in their hands. When the process goes, he forgets about his fears.


Many men, upon learning that the ladies critical days, immediately give the reverse. Some sex in this period seems unattractive, but there are those who believe that the menstrual blood of women live bacteria that can carry infection in his most important organ. Again, nonsense, you know something that the danger of infection exists only for you, for a woman to pick up an infection risk during menses increases significantly. But as long as men prefer to believe in such nonsense rather than scientific data, be sure to warn your partner about your condition and if he does not take the initiative and move the joy of love for another day.


Learning that you have - a virgin, more than half of men simply run away with wild cries, because I am terribly frightened. They are afraid they are primarily additional responsibilities: what if immediately after intercourse, you grabbed him in a stranglehold and dragged him to the registry office. Another reason for the fear of virginity - the fear of men inflict pain girl. Therefore, in order not to baffle the cavalier Similar headlines even during the close, warn him of his virginity in advance. To prevent an escape attempt, immediately specify that he would not impinge on his independence as too appreciate his own.


If you tell your man about his stunning novel, Vasya, who bring you to orgasm by seven times in one session, your current lover may decide that on the background Wasi it will look vulgar parody of the pathetic misunderstanding. And so he will feel fear of having sex with you. To avoid this, avoid these revelations. However, talking about all sorts of abominations Vasya also did not recommend: first, a male solidarity your cavalier immediately embark on his behalf, and secondly, he was afraid that if you parted again, of him will say the same self

Their appearance

Yes, no matter how they assured us that this man's own appearance is irrelevant, in fact, an inferiority complex about it they have no less than ours. Therefore, if your favorite prefer to undress in the dark, and you accidentally light is lit, he immediately draws in the stomach and stretches all the muscles, most likely, he just shy of her appearance. More often talk about how gorgeous his figure and that men with a little tummy excite you much stronger than bodybuilders, and his fears disappear with time

Quick orgaz

Aware of such a feature, your fan probably will issue his own endless questions, is it true that you were well managed it and so on. It only seems that women are men afraid of being abandoned, in fact, their fear is even stronger, especially if the cause of separation will be dissatisfied partner in bed. Well, if you wish, however, a continuing relationship, to accustom her lover to a long prelude, let them take the trouble over your erogenous zones, will feel its power over your body, as a reward you're already happy, and entirely to him myself for the final chord

Small fines

This is very shy strong half of mankind, but most pleasure from this partner does not. From one seventy familiar, having a lover twenty years younger than her, I heard a remarkable phrase: "The little - big - this is not the main thing would be fun.

So you have to convince your malomerochka what fun it instrumentika did not exist. But seriously, the selection of specific postures for deep penetration actually will reduce the problem to zero and save a man from the fear of sex.

Activity or coldness partner

In the first case, a man scares mandative tone mistress and guidance, how, what and how fast to do. Boss instead of a woman in bed - it is humiliating, therefore, to achieve a better simply to praise him for every good stroking and ask to stay on this point, and it is to ask, let them feel your relationship and yourself in the role of master. In the second case, the beloved scares women brevnoobraznost. He spins like a fly on the switch, but it was ... <

In general, who likes to perform the role necrophiliac, and with the woman he loved? Shake well, play a little, draw a passion, do not accidentally say that a smile, even forcibly, improves mood. What if you were mesmerized by the role, log in image of passionate kurtizan

What is an orgasm and what it is

Orgasm - is like diamonds in the sky: who has not seen, he does not understand. Tangible signs of orgasm are: men - ejaculation, the release of sperm, a woman (the evidence is less clear cut) - a series of convulsions, "stranglehold" and, of course, her words. Intensity of orgasm can be different depending on certain factors, such as the degree of sexual arousal and foreplay of the way that orgasm is achieved.

Frequently happens that one partner has never reached orgasm during intercourse.
Sometimes masturbation can provide a more intense orgasm than intercourse with a partner. So often the inclusion of sexual intercourse mutual masturbation reinforces the sense of partners.

We must remember that to reach orgasm at the same time quite difficult, because the man is much more stimulated during intercourse. Therefore, if a man wants to simultaneously enjoy the bliss with a partner, he must give more attention to foreplay.

Male orgasm

At the time of excitation of the blood, pritekaya to the penis, forcing him to grow - an erection. The head of the penis may darken from the blood gushed. Respiratory rate and heart rate increases sharply, scrotum shrinking, pressing the testes to the body. Frictions increase, and the man eyakuliruet - ejects semen. Following this, the penis gradually falls off, and the man some time not able to re-experience of sexual intercourse and orgasm. Calm after orgasm is as important for sexual gratification, like its predecessor sexual intercourse erection. So relax and lie beside partner - you'll like.

Since two thirds of ejaculation in men occurs earlier than the coming orgasm in women, men should equalize the difference or the length of pre-game, or making of an "effort", concluding caresses.

Through a preliminary period of caresses, the man, knowing the physiological and psychological characteristics of its women, can bring her excitement to a level where the orgasm of both partners will occur simultaneously or even their partner a little bit earlier.

Women, know that not all men like it when during ejaculation they look in his eyes ...

Female orgasm

Initiation of a woman makes the blood rush to the vagina, vulva (external genitals) also swells. Exude, moisturizing and lubricating the inner surface of the vagina, which will soon be tested friction. Clitoris and labia swell and darken. With the growing excitement the clitoris retracts, the body becomes extremely sensitive, respiration rate and heart rate increases.

There are several types of female orgasm:

Vaginal orgasm.

His ability to simply check it. Enter the lower part of the vagina with two fingers and tighten muscles. Weak or almost complete lack of compression indicates the weakness of the "necessary" for vaginal orgasm muscle. Will help training - every day repeatedly compress the muscles of the lower part of the vagina and anus draw. This can be done at any time between the case and always during sexual intercourse.

Clitoral orgasm.

Almost all women are capable of feeling it, too, but not all are successful. If the clitoris is quite high, it remains outside the field of friction penis. In order to achieve clitoral orgasm can recommend leg kicked partner immediately after entering the penis into the vagina.

The mother orgasm.

Arises as a result of stimulation of the cervix and is the lot of 25% of women. If the penis is short and lacks the uterus, one of the three proposed item will necessarily. First: a woman lies on her back and sharply tightens legs to his stomach, significantly shortening the vagina. Second: a man lying on his back, while a woman sits astride. Third: a woman lies on her stomach or side

When a woman reaches orgasm, her vagina is compressed a few times a spasm, the body can pass through the "wave of pleasure", as further stimulation of the clitoris and the friction can lead to the next orgasm. Women unlike men are able not only to several orgasms, but also a longer duration of each of them. And for a woman to orgasm with a pronounced sex drive (libido) to an average of 2-5 minutes. And, of course, man must also be "normal", that is generous.

Top tips on how to survive divorce or separation difficult

People in different ways going through divorce and separation. The easiest way to those who immediately begins a new life and new relationships - when a person instead of what he was becoming something new. If you are not one of them, then the following tips will help you to overcome the doldrums after the rupture of relations.

Board number 1
You need a splash of emotion and physical energy
To fill the void, which is formed in your mind after a relationship breaks down, you need to fill it with new energy. But that it appeared to throw out the end of the last remnants. To enhance this process can not admit that all your body and soul ached. You need to give some small part of a right to "cheer" and calmly through all the stress. And the rest of your creatures to give freedom to live on. Our body has its own needs and their need to perform, there are also social life, which requires our active presence. You are well aware. Dully force yourself to move. The more vivid you, the faster will be able to come to himself, and again begin to enjoy life. Start to do the morning exercise, socialize more with friends and friends, go to the cinema, theater, go to the disco to dance, play bowling. Do things that require your physical and emotional activity. You need a splash of emotion and energy. Shake yourself, and do it more often.

Board number 2
Do whatever you want.
The severance of relations - this is like a disease, but only spiritual. When we are sick, we drink pills and vitamins, to support our body. And now you need to nurture and strengthen their psychological immune system, heal your soul. Think for yourself that will suit you for the best. Very good read motivational books. Beautiful version - the book by Louise Hay. Read affirmations. Listen to beautiful music, draw, sing. In general, do that which your soul is happy.
Council № 3
In your former life together was, I think a lot of pleasant moments, thanks to which you were together. Think of all. This is something for which you now can thank your former partner. It is better to let him go with good thoughts. We can not keep in his resentment and anger, they may settle in any organ of your body, and you become ill. So get rid of the negative. Forgive former partner for all the bad things that happened. Drop in memory and in my heart only good. Find a way to "cleanse" themselves.

Council № 4
With someone you love us always united by our shared plans for the future, and losing it, as if we are "deprived" of the future. Such a feeling is felt by many: the feeling when you do not know how to live, and do not know where to go, and the sense of moving forward as it disappears. This so-called emotional bind. We associate a loved one with our future, and it is from this to us after the break in relations hardest. Very often when there is no longer any love, there is now this binding. I need to get rid of it. Even the conscious perception of this idea can have a good help to release the former partner. You need to understand that your future does not depend on anyone, but only up to you. You - the main character in your movie. So now orient their future independently. It is possible that under such circumstances, waiting for you more happy and interesting life than expected. <
Council № 5
Direct the flow of thoughts in your bright future.
Imagine yourself in five years - seven. See the happy, successful, loved, happy person - the way you like to be. Our constant thoughts and emotions shape our future. If you're thinking all day about the poor, provoking angry and depressed state, it will lead to the fact that you will be more negative developments that will lead you back here in a depressed state. We must break this vicious circle. Control yourself: as soon as you notice in their own bad thoughts, immediately begin to dream of a happy future. The more often you will represent him, the more likely that it will be so.

If you already have the desire to leave the past behind and start all over again, I advise you to read the e-mini-book "How to become happy again?". This allowance for single people who lived through divorce or separation heavy, tired of living past memories and wish to start a new life. Here you can find a brief description of the book and order it for free on your email.
Do not miss the chance to change their lives for the better! Find out as once again become happy, and start to act!