Friday, September 18, 2009

Sexual violence against children

Your daughter had a terrible dream, if someone tries to remove her pants. What is it - fantasy or an attempt to share what really happened?

Such revelations may be the only indication that a child subjected to sexual harassment. These children are frightened and confused. They have mixed feelings: on the one hand, the credibility of the perpetrator, very often it is a familiar person on the other hand - I suspect that this should not happen. Abuser can intimidate the child and make him keep silent. Some children blame themselves around or are too ashamed to tell anyone about what had happened.

According to some estimates, to 18 years in at least 10% of boys and 25% of girls had experienced sexual harassment. Most often in the role of the person molest a child, stands the familiar people: a teacher, neighbor, brother, adoptive parent or a priest. In short, a credible person to whom the child trusts.

What is sexual violence?

Sexual violence does not necessarily involve physical contact. Child may be forced to watch a pornographic movie, or watch as someone masturbates. A child can entice into sexual chat on the Internet. Rapist may peep for a child when he is naked or in his soul. Kissing, petting, intercourse, oral and anal sex is also included in the concept of sexual violence.

Experts believe that children are not peculiar to invent stories of sexual violence, so parents should take seriously to such stories. You can ask clarifying questions about the child, but necessarily at the same time to remain calm. What else is needed:

* Select the facts and do not carry ratings
* Do not defend a rapist, if a relative or family friend.
* Tell your child that he is the right thing by telling all adults. Do not accuse him that he was not told about the fact of violence before.
* Explain to your child that he was not guilty.
* Remind your child that his parents love him, no matter what.
* Tell your child that you are sure to make sure that this does not happen again.

Suspicions of sexual abuse

Sexual violence is difficult to recognize if there are no abrasions and bruises, bleeding and pain. Lamentations and the poor child's behavior may indicate a lot of problems. What should make the guard:

* Sleep problems, nightmares or bed-wetting
* Mood swings
* Fear of certain places, people or circumstances
* Return to the behavior that is not characteristic for this age (thumb sucking, requests to take the hand)
* Gratuitous pain in the abdomen
* Sudden interest in sexual organs or sexual acts
* Use new vocabulary to describe sexual organs or sexual intercourse
* The desire to look seductive
* Violence in games
* Secrecy

Suspicion of sexual abuse against a child should see a doctor and child psychologist. In the absence of childhood sexual trauma may lead to eating disorders, alcoholism, mental disturbances and the development of PTSD in adulthood. The feeling of guilt may result in anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, lead to early pregnancy and antisocial behavior.

The chances of the child to recover from experienced sexual violence is largely dependent on the support of parents.
Rx Kansas

Fasten your child's life!

All have heard and read that if the car does not wear seat belt, likely to be killed in a car accident is much higher. However, you may not know that necessarily need to fasten your seat and the child.

Every year a large number of tragedies happen because of lack of in-car children's armchair.

What can I do? Buckle up!

... And fasten your child. This leaves parents and children are much more likely to survive in a car accident.

Those who regularly wear a child, you should observe the following rules:

Child restraints. Before installing you should read the instructions. Install child seats should be in the backseat of the car. The chair, which is installed and run, and against the motion, designed for children weighing from 9 to 18 kilograms. Supporting car seats, seat designed for children aged 4-8 years, weighing over 18 kilograms.

Airbags. In vehicles equipped with airbags, a child should be strapped in the backseat. The front airbag expands with great force and can kill a child in the front seat, especially if the front seat is located close to the dashboard. In vehicles equipped with an airbag, children under 12 years must sit only in the back seat.
Rx West Virginia

How to help your child sleep?

At last your baby has grown! Even after a night feeding, no longer have to lubricate oprelosti and treat otitis, wait until the teeth erupt ... you think that now it will be possible to sleep through the night? Certainly not!

Unfortunately, the children come in a variety of sleep disorders that can disrupt them - and also the parent - a night rest. Here are some of them.


Childhood - wonderful age when a child is difficult to distinguish fantasy from reality. Horror stories from the TV screen can invade real life, and now the child sees monsters in nightmares.

Stress, illness, and taking certain medications can also trigger nightmares, as well as the death of loved ones, divorce of parents or the birth of a brother or sister. Every fourth child sees nightmares 1 time per week and more.

How can parents help:

* Make sure that your child watches on television.
* Read a bedtime story.
* Turn on quiet music at bedtime.
* Turn on the nightlight or leave the bedroom door open.
* Allow your child to sleep with a favorite soft toy or blanket.
* Set the mode of the day to rise and going to bed occurred in one and the same time.
* Discuss with your child nightmares. Keep a journal and record all instances of awakenings and events that may have been associated with before.
* If nightmares become more frequent, consult your doctor about the possibility of taking sleeping pills.

Night panic

During the night of panic child may suddenly jump out of bed and scream. In this case the pupils dilate, the baby may sweat, waving his arms, beat or kick an object, which he dreamed. The child can look directly at parents, but do not answer their questions.

This condition can cause illness, medication or stress. Their appearance also contributes to show horror films, and irregular sleep. Night panic occurs in children aged 2-6 years.

How can parents help:

* Stay with the child until he falls asleep.
* Keep a diary and record events with the child, including television programs, which he watched, and his daily ration.
* If nocturnal panic occurs regularly at the same time, you can wake up the child for about 15 minutes before its expected start and after 5 minutes again put to sleep.
* If the problem persists, contact your child's neurologist.


Only in the U.S. suffers from sleepwalking 18% of children. Sleepwalking occurs in a phase of deep sleep. The child appears awake, but in fact a clear conscience he is absent. Sometimes when walking in a dream kid said something meaningless.

Sleepwalking may be associated with the maturation of the nervous system or stressful experiences. Typically, these phenomena are terminated to 13 years.

What parents can do:

* Keep a diary and mark in it the possible causes of sleep disorders.
* Close doors and stair gates. Do not put your baby to sleep on a high bed. Hang the door bell or attach other devices, indicating that the child tries to leave.
* Delicately return the child to bed. Do not yell at him and did not shake.
* If walking in his sleep is regular, consult your pediatrician.
Rx Idaho